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The theme of CCMT2014: New change to Future


We are at the times of reform and adjustment amid the environment, which we need to survive, having experienced and been happening overall and deep changes. The changing environment is presenting new challenge to us. In the meantime, it hastens to deliver new hope and breeds new future. The China CNC Machine Tool Fair 2014 (CCMT2014) will be held under such circumstance, it bound to embody the industrial change and peoples expectation for the future. Hence, the theme of CCMT2014 is determined to be New change?to Future after extensive collection and deep discussion. Seeing from all over the world, its hardly to remove the deep impact of international financial crisis in a short period of time as the world economy is with growing instability and uncertainty. The world economy is far from coming out of the shadow of financial crisis with leaden recovery progress, feeble economic growth and all-too-frequent local crisis. Whether developed economic entities or emerging market countries are encountering the bottleneck of development to varying degree. In spite of the different pattern of manifestation, its deep nature is serious unbalance of structure accumulated by long term development. For this reason, the main economic entities of the world are all actively seeking a way of adjustment and transformation. The global economy is in a process of profound change and rebalances.After 30 years of high-speed development, Chinas economy has been entering into a new developing stage facing the severe challenges to stride the middle-income trap and to dissolve the long term accumulated contradictions of extensive growth. The economic growth of China has shown a clear slowdown in recent years fully indicating that the inner motive power of the old development mode is obviously weakening, this kind of extensive growth mode is neither workable nor sustainable amid the new economic development stage. At the same time, the traditional policy effect of stimulating economy has been nearly exhausted. Therefore, the new motive force of development must be released from adjustment and reform. Seeking long term healthy development should be based on economic transformation. For this goal, Chinas economy needs to be at the cost of suffering from short-term pain and periodic slowdown growth.China machine tool & tools industry has been comprehensively and profoundly impacted in the over-all situation of global economic rebalance and slowdown of Chinas economic growth. After high speed growth for consecutive over 10 years, the industry is facing and undergoing the ordeal of adjustment and transformation due to the significant change of market climate and other growth factors. As a matter of fact, the industry has already set its foot into a new historic development stage with its key feature being transformation and upgrading. Accurately speaking, the industry is in a conversion period of development phase coupled with growing pains of transformation and upgrading. Together with the development pressure and challenge brought by the environmental change to the industry, the situation also provides opportunity and entry point for transformation and upgrading to the industry, it forms the reserved mechanism which will provide strong external power to transformation and upgrading for the industry.How does the machine tool & tools industry deal with the confrontation of huge and profound changes? What visage, train of thought and measures would be shown to welcome the future? It should be certain that changes hasten delivery of hope, urge reserved transformation, breed opportunity and create the future.Under the new circumstance, the industry needs a new round of ideological emancipation and concept innovation, to conscientiously get rid of the path dependence of development model by scale expansion, to thoroughly abandon the blind pursuit of rapid growth, to make up our minds to change development pattern, to adjust structure and to walk truly on the sustainable development road by means of technical progress, upgrade management and labor quality enhancement. Only in this way, can we welcome a brand new and glorious future.Change is certain and future will be in our hands. CCMT2014 will witness the achievements of our transformation and concept innovation. Itll draw a distinct outline of our development prospect in the future. Lets join hands heading for the wonderful future.

    Jing Gong Wang An Bei No.11040302100006   05015583-3, No. , Beijing
    Address : Tianlian Mansion12/F, 102 Lianhuachi East Road.xicheng District, Beijing 100055,P.R.China
    E-mail : cmtba@cmtba.org.cn
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