CIMT2021会刊电子版已上线 电脑、手机均可查阅 CIMT2021开幕在即。为便于展商和观众随时查询展会及展商、展品情况,主办方已制作完成《CIMT2021参展商名录》(俗称“会刊”)电子版,并于近日上线。可通过电脑和手机微信端随时查阅,并可在线发送邮件或打开展商网页。路径如下: 1. 通过电脑端 进入CIMT官网(,点击“参观指南-会刊电子版”,即可进行在线查阅。 2. 通过手机微信端 进入机床工具协会官方微信订阅号(中国机床工具工业协会cmtba),点击页面低端菜单“CIMT2021-2021会刊电子版”,点开页面即可进行查询。
CIMT2021会刊电子版使用说明 1. 页面操作 (1)点击右上角或右下角翻下一页,左上角或左下角翻上一页; (2)点击广告可跳转到对应参展商的详细信息页面; (3)点击正文中网址可直接打开链接,点击邮箱可发送邮件; (4)点击页面中部唤起工具栏,再次点击收起。 2. 工具栏按钮介绍(从左到右) (1)目录:打开目录,点击目录各项可跳转到相应页面; (2)缩略图:点击后显示页面缩略图,可快速翻阅页面,再次点击该按钮收起缩略图; (3)放大:点击后放大页面,再次点击还原; (4)搜索:打开搜索栏,输入想要搜索的内容,搜索后点击搜索结果可跳转到对应页面; (5)翻页:点击该按钮后显示翻页工具栏,从左至右依次是:返回、最前页、上一页、下一页、最末页、前进。中间的输入框可以输入页码直接跳转,注意这个页码不是印刷版所标页码,是加上广告等所有内容的整本的页码; (6)其它:点开后按钮依次是:主页(封面)、自动翻页、分享、文本选择。 Instructions to electronic version of CIMT2021’sCatalogue 1. Operation: (1)Clicking the top rightcorner or lower right corner for turning to the next page; clicking the topleft corner or lower left corner for turning to the preceding page (2)Clicking advertisementcan be skipped to the detailed information of corresponding suppler; (3)Links can be made byclicking website address in the text and email can be sent out by clickingmailbox; (4)Clicking the centralarea of the page could wake up toolbar and clicking again to shut it. 2. Introduction to the toolbar (from left to right) (1)Directory: open thedirectory and click each item of it to skip to the corresponding page; (2)Thumbnail: click it todisplay the thumbnail of the page to quickly browse the page and click it againto shut the thumbnail; (3)Enlargement: click toenlarge the page, and click again to restore; (4)Search: open the searchbar, input in the wanted content, click the search result, and then thecorresponding page can be appeared; (5)Page turning: clickthis button the page turning toolbar will be displayed. The order from left toright is: return, first page, previous page, next page, last page and forward.The input box in the middle can input the page number to directly skip. Pleasenote the input page number is not the one in printed version, it is the page numberwith added advertisement and all the other contents in the whole; (6)Others: After clickingthe order will be: home page (cover), automatic page-turning, sharing and textselection. CMTBA(China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’Association) (来源:协会传媒部 设计推送:叶涵) |