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CMTBA Held CIMT2025 Promotion Conference

at IMTS2024, Chicago


OnSeptember 11, 2024, local time in the United States, the InternationalManufacturing Technology Show 2024 (IMTS2024) is currently underway at Chicago.The delegation from CMTBA (China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association),who went to exchange and participate in the exhibition, held a CIMT2025 (The 19thChina International Machine Tool Show) promotion meeting at IMTS2024 on site. Mr.Wang Liming, vice-president of CMTBA, introduced the preparations for theCIMT2025 to the guests. Now forward the relevant press release for reference.





Press Release

CIMT2025, the LargestProfessional Exhibition for

Machine Tool in Asia, Cordially Invites Your



Distinguished Guests, Ladiesand Gentlemen, Good Morning!


First of all, I would liketo express my sincere gratitude to you all for taking the time to attendtoday’s meeting at the busy schedule of the IMTS. I also use this opportunityto extend my heartfelt congratulations on the successful holding of the IMTS!

Today, I would like to takethe opportunity of IMTS to introduce the preparation for the CIMT2025(19th China International Machine Tool Show).


As we know, the China InternationalMachine Tool Show (CIMT) was founded in 1989 and is held in Beijing China everyodd year, it has successfully held 18 sessions so far. CIMT is organized by theChina Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association (CMTBA), which is renownedas China’ s most prestigious, largest in scale, and widely influentialprofessional exhibition for machine tool, it is also internationally recognizedas one of the four major international machine tool exhibitions, alongside EMOin Europe, IMTS in the United States, and JIMTOF in Japan.


With the continuous progressof China’s modernization, every CIMT exhibition has gathered the world’s mostadvanced and applicable machine tool products. As its international status andinfluence continue to grow, the CIMT exhibition has developed into a platformshowcasing the latest achievements in modern manufacturing technology, animportant site for the exchange and trade of advanced manufacturing technologyworldwide, and a weathervane and barometer of the progress of mechanicalmanufacturing technology and the development of the machine tool industry inChina.


For many years, CIMT hasbeen constrained by insufficient exhibition area, unable to meet the demand forexhibition areas from domestic and overseas exhibitors, we are pleased toannounce that the 19th China International Machine Tool Show (CIMT2025) will beheld in Beijing from April 21-26, 2025, at the new venue adjacent to theoriginal exhibition center - Phase II of CIEC (New Venue) Shunyi Beijing(tentative name), this expansion will increase the total exhibition area to210,000 square meters, making it the largest professional machine toolexhibition in Asia.




Reviewing the previousCIMT2023, it featured participation from 1,582 exhibitors representing 28countries and regions, with 713 overseas exhibitors, accounting for over 45% ofthe total. The total exhibition area is 140,000 square meters, with overseas exhibitorsaccounting for 50%. 13 countries and regions from Germany, the United States,the UK, Switzerland, Italy, South Korea, Spain, Japan, Czech, India, France,Hong Kong region and Taiwan region organized pavilions, and all the worldfamous machine tool enterprises were present.


At CIMT2023, machine toolexhibits showcased a trend towards high-end, intelligent, and environmentallyfriendly products, reflecting the integration of composite technologies,digital interactive connection, green technologies, and the latest technologicalinnovations in machine tools. The exhibition attracted trade visitors andbuyers from 69 countries and regions worldwide, making historical records interms of the total number of attendance by person-time, registration and tradevisitor.


Access control dataindicated the cumulative total number of attendance by person-time was 336,504,marking a 28.61% increase from CIMT2021 and a 5.36% increase from CIMT2019.Total number of attendance by registration reached 242,246, showing a 21.11% increasefrom CIMT2021 and a 6.89% increase from CIMT2019. The total number of tradevisitors was 154,957, reflecting a 26.98% increase from CIMT2021 and an 11.42%increase from CIMT2019. Exhibitors expressed a high level of satisfaction withthe overall management of the exhibition, reaching 96.84%, and were highlysatisfied with the quantity and quality of trade visitors, both exceeding 95%.


CIMT2023 got significantattention and praise from the global machine tool communities, manufacturersalong the industrial chain and users. It also received attention and supportfrom relevant Chinese government departments. The exhibition played a positiverole in promoting the recovery of the Chinese economy post-COVID-19 pandemicand enhancing business activity in the manufacturing industry, thereby boostingdemand and restoring confidence in the Chinese and global machine tool markets.


CIMT2023 received extensivecoverage on social media platforms, with China Central Television (CCTV)comprehensively reporting on the event across its channels. Before and afterthe exhibition, various multimedia platforms such as Economic Daily, GuangmingDaily, Science and Technology Daily, China Daily, China Industrial News,People's Daily Online, Xinhua Net, China News, Huanqiu News, CRI Online, andmultiple overseas social media platforms provided in-depth reports on theexhibition.


CIMT2025Basic Information


The 19th China InternationalMachine Tool Show (CIMT2025) will be held in Beijing from April 21 to 26, 2025,and will take place at the newly constructed Phase II of CIEC (New Venue)Shunyi Beijing, P.R.China (tentative name), with a total exhibition area of210,000 square meters. There are 9 exhibition halls, each covering over 20,000square meters.


The exhibits profile ofCIMT2025 includes:


Metal-cutting Machine;

Metal-forming Machine;

Non-traditional Machine,Laser Processing Device, AM & Special Purpose Machine;

FMC / FMS, Robot, AutomationEquipment;

Casting Machine, HeatTreating Machine, Injection Moulding Machine, Washing & Filtering Unitetc.;

Component & Auxiliary;

Numerical Control System,Digital Readout & Machine Tool Apparatus;

Abrasive Compound &Slurry, Superhard Material & Products, Coated Abrasive, Equipment forAbrasive;

Cutting Tool, Tooling, Jig,Fixture & Related Product;

Metrology, Inspection &Measuring Equipment;

IIoT, Software, Standard,Protocol;

Wood & Bamboo-workingMachine;

Consultation and EngineeringService.



The global application workfor the CIMT2025 has been initiated. Exhibitors and visitors can stay updatedon the latest development of the exhibition through the official channels ofCMTBA, including the exhibition official website (www.cimtshow.com) and WeChatpublic account (CMTBA).


The sponsor and organizer ofthe CIMT, CMTBA, has established and maintained long-term and stablecooperative relationship with numerous overseas cooperative units, promotingmutual benefit and support. We would like to express our special thanks to AMT,AFM, AMTIL, CARMAHE, ICE, IMTMA, JMTBA, JFMA, JMAA, JAPIT, KOMMA, MIB, MTA,SST, SWISSMEM, EVOLIS, TAMI, TMBA, UCIMU, VDW and other industry associationsstrongly support to CIMT!


In order to better promotethe exhibition, expand the influence of the exhibition and exhibitors, andimprove the efficiency of trade visitor attendance, the organizer willmeticulously prepare promotional materials before the exhibition. These willinclude highlights of the exhibition, summaries of the exhibits, profiles ofexhibitors, and previews of featured products (videos). These materials will bepublicly released through the official WeChat account and website of CMTBA, aswell as various media platforms and professional publications. Additionally,press conference will be held, along with promotional activities and tradeliaison meetings in provinces and cities, various user groups from differentsectors will be organized to visit, inspect, and procure at the exhibition. Anews center will be set at the site to provide the latest information to themedia. During the exhibition, updates on activities, exhibitors, and productswill be promptly reported through the official WeChat account, website, and thepublication “Exhibition Express.”


As China continues itsmodernization efforts, CIMT provides an invaluable international platform forprocurement and exchange, not only for Chinese buyers and high-end users butalso radiating trade activities into the broader market of machine tool in Asia.


In the new journey of fullyimplementing the new development concept, developing new quality productiveforces, and promoting high-quality development in China, the China Machine Tool& Tool Builders’ Association warmly welcomes new and old friends from theglobal industry to participate in CIMT2025.


CIMT2025, let’s meet inBeijing, China!


Due to time constraints, themeeting concludes here, we have an information desk at the internationalassociation area (Booth number: 221006), where you are welcome to visit for anyinquiries or further communication.


Thank you all!



    Jing Gong Wang An Bei No.11040302100006   05015583-3, No. , Beijing
    Address : Tianlian Mansion12/F, 102 Lianhuachi East Road.xicheng District, Beijing 100055,P.R.China
    E-mail : cmtba@cmtba.org.cn
    Copyright © 2015 China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’Association